Why businesses fail

I have started many businesses in my life, some were not able to see their 1st birthday, many failed along the way, am yet to close some due to failure to break even and also have some that are doing pretty well. I have learnt many lessons while at it and I am here to [...]

Be Brave

David was the most un-qualified young man at that time, irrespective of the fact that everyone didnt think he could actually slay the uncircumcised philistine, he went against the naysayers, fought the battles within himself that said, "you can't do it", believed in himself, trusted his source (God) and true to his (God) word, was [...]

Business partners

When God puts a dream on your heart or a vision so grandeur you cannot achieve it all by yourself or it would take sooo long to come to pass, you will need people to work with, people to pull you up, people you bring along and people to support you in fulfilling that which [...]

Exit strategy II

Did I tell you Bruce paid Ugx50k instead of the ugx18500/ that was required of him? He didn't have to! Anyway yesterday evening I had to join Bruce and his family at a dinner to which I got there late and only stayed for just about 30minutes, why did I get there late, I had [...]

There is more

The kind of work I do lately allows me to meet lots of people from all walks of life, the elite kind who know what it looks like to have a good life  university kids, graduates,  members of parliament, the employed, rarely business owners, and having a conversation with each one of these opens the [...]

What the world needs is love! 

​You had all the beads, but then I came along, babies take a lot of time, a lot of attention, they need all the love, but we can share, clearly yo did not go to business school!  First of all, I must say that this movie was overly rated but considering the fact that am writing from [...]


One day or day One. You decide. The call to one's purpose is seldom something that awaits for one to get comfortable enough to throw oneself into the intentional pursuit of it. "One day", "after I finish my studies", "when I'll find time",... Procrastination, as some would call it, is and always will be a [...]